Planning for Sustainable Land Use & Transport stream announced for this years ETC 2017

The Planning for Sustainable Land Use & Transport (PSLUT) stream provides a home for issues at the leading edge of policy development at the interface between land use and transport planning.
Its focus is on sustainable solutions to land use and transport problems and how to measure and evaluate their effectiveness and impacts.
Join us for this year's programme at ETC 2017 which includes:
Equity issues (e.g. inclusion and exclusion; solutions for non-car users)
Transport in cities (e.g. first and last mile; SUMP’s; assessment studies; emissions in cities)
Mode shift and travel behaviour (e.g. trends and drivers; life events; role of energy efficient modes; effects of road closure; shift to cycling and the role of the e-bike)
Land use and transport interaction (e.g. trends; role of BRT; tradeoffs between land use and transport characteristics)
Transit oriented development (e.g. assessment of locations and options; planning issues; accessibility challenges)
New technologies and autonomous driving (e.g. role of smartphones, changes in parking; social, behavioural and urban impacts)
Dealing with complex issues (transition, uncertainty and wicked problems) in research and planning uncertainty (a dialogue session in which speakers invite the audience to reflect on these issues together)
Book now!
Book your place using the ETC Booking Form Booking form here or email for more information.
What to Expect From the Most Established Transport Conference in Europe:
3 days of in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport
8 to 10 parallel sessions each day
Presentations on topics and projects in any stage of research, planning or implementation
Keynotes from significant names in world transport
A full social programme for further networking opportunities
Technical visits based on examples of good practice in Barcelona
Over 240 presentations plus debates, plenaries and workshop sessions
Travel and accommodation
As Barcelona is a prime location for business and pleasure, we recommend that ETC attendees book their travel and accommodation as early as possible to avoid disappointment. If you need help sourcing accommodation, we have a limited number of rooms reserved in several venues in and around the city and will be able to forward these details to you. Please contact for further information.
Book now!
Book via the ETC Booking Form Booking form here or email for more information.