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Young Researchers’ & Practitioners’ Forum at ETC 2017

Young Researchers’ & Practitioners’ Forum announced for this years' ETC 2017

Recent socio-economic trends such as the growing internationalisation and pluralisation of governance and lifestyle patterns are leading to remarkable consequences in the field of transportation. Travel patterns are becoming much more complex and individualised. Furthermore, technological innovations extend the possibilities of transport planning and travel mode choice. Plus, the fast rise of the availability of mobile digital devices has encouraged the emergence of new and more flexible forms of transport supply and demand.

These developments raise exciting questions, such as: what are the social and economic drivers of these new configurations? Which theories and models are adequate to explain them? How can case studies exemplify these general developments for specific contexts? Which methods and empirical designs provide insights into these new patterns of transport and mobility? How stable are these trends and will they lead to a transformation of whole transport systems? What are the possible social, political and spatial outcomes of these developments? How should transport policy and city planning react to these trends?

The 45th European Transport Conference (ETC) includes the Young Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Forum (YRPF), a special format for young professionals. The forum is intended to provide a format which enables constructive and comprehensive feedback as well as more time for discussion than usual.

This year, we will discuss different aspects of transport networks between routing, traffic flow and build environment, multimodality and new mobility services and innovative methods for research and implementation, which include:

  • Serious games: a playful approach to reduce usage barriers of innovative public transport systems

  • The Hyperloop concept’s economic fundamentals

  • Mathematical modelling of pedestrian route choices in urban areas using revealed preference GPS data

  • Global design sprints: urban streets in the age of connected and autonomous vehicles

  • The importance of the user-acceptance for the usage of multimodal mobility systems

  • New business models for emerging mobility services

  • Finding “White Spots” and optimising networks: evidence for using a gravity model with fixed effects from the aviation sector

  • Variable speed limits: application in Porto Inner Ring Motorway

  • Visual surroundings at rural roads - how do they affect choice of speed?

  • Urban development at the neighbourhood scale as a strategy to promote sustainable mobility modes: insights from planning and design practices

Book now!

Book your place using the ETC Booking Form Booking form here or email for more information.

What to Expect From the Most Established Transport Conference in Europe:

  • 3 days of in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport

  • 8 to 10 parallel sessions each day

  • Presentations on topics and projects in any stage of research, planning or implementation

  • Keynotes from significant names in world transport

  • A full social programme for further networking opportunities

  • Technical visits based on examples of good practice in Barcelona

  • Over 240 presentations plus debates, plenaries and workshop sessions

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