'Mobility as a Service' programme announced for ETC 2017

The Intelligent Mobility, Management and Operations (IMMO) committee and Local Public Transport committee provide a home for research and practitioners dealing with issues at the leading edge of Intelligent Mobility and Public Transport.
MaaS or Mobility as a Service has the potential to play an increasing role in dealing with everyday mobility and the consequences it has on accessibility, safety and liveability.
With MaaS cutting across several of our Programme Committees, this year we are pleased to announce we are dedicating a whole stream to this emerging subject that will span Thursday and Friday of the Conference.
Join us for this year's programme at ETC 2017 which includes:
Contribution of an automated Metro Line to the dynamism of a modern city.
Why public transport is an essential part of Mobility as a Service.
Business models shaping future mobility.
Book now!
Book your place using the ETC Booking Form Booking form here or email sabrina@tftp-training.co.uk for more information.
What to Expect From the Most Established Transport Conference in Europe:
3 days of in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport
8 to 10 parallel sessions each day
Presentations on topics and projects in any stage of research, planning or implementation
Keynotes from significant names in world transport
A full social programme for further networking opportunities
Technical visits based on examples of good practice in Barcelona
Over 240 presentations plus debates, plenaries and workshop sessions