2019 European Transport Conference

2019 European Transport Conference
Your feedback is important to us
The AET Board & Council, and the organisers of ETC 2019 would like to take this opportunity to thank all delegates, sponsors and exhibitors for attending this year's European Transport Conference. We hope that you enjoyed the conference and found it beneficial to your research, career, business or institution.

We would like to give you the opportunity to let us know your views and suggestions for future events so, to help gain your feedback, Accent has compiled a survey. Please keep an eye on your inbox for the conference survey as your opinions help us to continuously improve the conference.
Thank you once again for supporting the European Transport Conference 2019 and for taking the time to complete our feedback survey.

09-11 September 2020
In 2020, the Association for European Transport will hold its 48th European Transport Conference at the Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa Campus, Milan, Italy. Don't forget to put the date in your diary, especially as it's a month earlier than usual!
Follow us @EuTransportConf #etcmilan2020