ETC 2019 call for papers, themes announced!

ETC 2019 Call for Papers
The Association of European Transport is delighted to kick off the preparations for the ETC 2019 at Dublin Castle with the Conference’s Call for Papers.
The European Transport Conference (ETC) attracts papers that address themes of relevance to the transport agenda in Europe and worldwide. The Conference provides a great opportunity for presenters to network and form career-spanning professional relationships. Conference Themes for 2019
We now invite Abstract Submissions for the 2019 European Transport Conference. The following major themes will be addressed at the Conference in 2019 and contributors are particularly encouraged to offer abstracts under these headings:
Autonomous vehicles – looking beyond the technology. What are the implications for accessibility, equity, traffic management, business models?
Climate change
Big data – its use in, and implications for, network resilience, control centres, cities, climate change, emissions, mobility as a service, smart cities
System dynamics representation of complex systems in modelling without detailed data
These are just a few of the highlighted areas in which we are interested. In addition to these themes, papers that fit within Programme Committees’ areas of interest are also very welcome. We are also pleased to announce that a new Programme Committee on Data is planned to cater for the growth and diversity of papers expected in this broad subject.
In addition, we would like to hear from anyone who is interested in utilising ETC 2019 as a platform to hold their final project dissemination event in a parallel co-located stream.
Keep up to date with more news on the conference and the 2019 themes by following us on Twitter: @EuTransportConf using #etcdublin2019 Your opportunity to present at the most established transport conference in Europe!
You are invited to submit an abstract based on one of the above themes or on one of those suggested by the Programme Committees. The deadline for abstract submission is 05 February 2019
Submissions may be made via the AET website. You will need to register once as an author and then you can submit as many abstracts as you wish. Authors can request a peer review of their papers and a selection of reviewed papers is published on line or in special issues of journals.