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AET Covid-19 Webinar: Covid-19 & Public Transport in Europe - Moving Forward

COVID-19 and Public Transport in Europe: Moving Forward

Thursday 4 February 2021: 1800-1900 CET (1700-1800 GMT)

The seventh webinar in the AET COVID-19 Conversations Series will be held on Thursday 4th February between 1800-1900 CET (1700-1800 GMT). This webinar is hosted with the support of the ETC Programme Committee for Local Public Transport. This webinar discusses the experiences of the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy and Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic. These experiences set the scene for a discussion about lessons learnt, the expected ’new normal’ and the way forward for public transport. Speakers for this webinar include:

  • Dr. Francis M. M. Cirianni is a member of the Lab of Analysis of Transport at the University of Reggio Calabria. His main fields of expertise are in sustainable mobility and public transport planning. Currently part time at University, he is an associate of an independent engineering consultancy.

  • Dr. Iain Macbriar is a British consultant, working in the field of local public transport, especially the analysis of passenger data from electronic ticket machines. He also runs training courses in the specialised skills of planning bus services, and the mysteries of bus and crew scheduling (without computers).

  • Dr. András Munkácsy is head of department for transport management at KTI Institute for Transport Sciences in Budapest. His main fields of expertise are mobility management and travel behaviour analysis. András is a Council member at AET.

  • Dr. Niels van Oort is co‐director of the Smart Public Transport Lab at Delft University of Technology. He has been involved in public transport projects for over 15 years. His main fields of expertise are public transport planning and design, service reliability and the bicycle+transit combination. After (part time) positions at an urban public transport operator and a consultancy company, he is fulltime employed at TU.

The webinar will be hosted on the WebEx platform. Please click on the link to the AET website and follow the link to register for the webinar: Pre-registered participants will receive additional information the day before the webinar containing instructions on how to use WebEx and a calendar item with the link. Please note that there is no deadline for signing up. Last minute registrants can access the webinar via the registration link. The AET COVID-19 Working Group continues to encourage AET members and others to submit papers and reports describing their work on the pandemic response. These articles will be published on the AET website and will be used in planning the programme of webinars in 2021. For more details about AET COVID-19 Conversations, please visit:



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