AET Covid-19 Webinar: Is the pandemic increasing the gender mobility gap?

COVID-19 and Public Transport in Europe: Is the pandemic increasing the gender mobility gap?
Thursday 4 March 2021: 1100-1200 CET (1000-1100 GMT)
The eighth webinar in the AET COVID-19 Conversations Series will be held on Thursday 4th March between 1100-1200 CET (1200-1300 GMT). This webinar is hosted with the support of the AET Gender and Mobility Working Group. This interactive webinar will feature a discussion of the impact of the pandemic on the mobility of women and the increasing gender mobility gap. Two short presentations will shed light on the gender mobility gap and how it has been worsened during the global pandemic. We will have a look at the general differences and underlying factors, as well as how covid-19 had affected this gender mobility gap. The German Time Use data shows how intrahousehold factors drives the gender gap in mobility. The Dutch national travel panel divided into subsamples shows the impact of the pandemic differ for women and for men. Following the presentations, we want to discuss with all participants, what we can do about the inequality and how to create an equal and resilient transport systems considering gender differences. Speakers for this webinar include:
Ines Kawgan-Kagan, Managing Director, AEM Institute (Accessible and Equitable Mobility), Germany. Ines is a mobility expert focusing on gender differences in sustainable urban mobility. She founded the AEM Institute in November 2020 to push the topic of accessible and equitable mobility.
Dr Bhuvanachithra Chidambaram, Research Associate at the Department of Transport Planning, Faculty of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund, Germany. Bhuvana’s research interests include travel behaviour, traffic policy, urban mobility, gender dimensions. She is the author of many publications and conference papers, notably on the subject of travel behaviour and commuting patterns.
The discussion will be moderated by Dr Enrica Papa, Reader in Transport Planning, University of Westminster, UK. Enrica’s research is positioned at the intersection of urban, transport and economic geography. The webinar will be hosted on the WebEx platform. Please click on the link to the AET website and follow the link to register for the webinar: Pre-registered participants will receive additional information the day before the webinar containing instructions on how to use WebEx and a calendar item with the link. Please note that there is no deadline for signing up. Last minute registrants can access the webinar via the registration link. The AET COVID-19 Working Group continues to encourage AET members and others to submit papers and reports describing their work on the pandemic response. These articles will be published on the AET website and will be used in planning the programme of webinars in 2021. For more details about AET COVID-19 Conversations, please visit: