AET Transport and Mobility Forum: FREE Webinar 12 May 2022

Future Transport Technologies:
Trends, Challenges and Choices
FREE Webinar: Thursday 12th May 2022 11.00 – 12.30 CEST (10.00 – 11.30 BST/WEST)
This webinar from the AET Transport and Mobility Forum will explore some of the key innovation trends around autonomous, electric and shared mobility. It will consider the opportunities and challenges posed, and investigate the choices which need to be made in balancing technological progress with broader public value and social equity. The FREE webinar will be introduced by Jonathan Spear, Transport Policy and Planning Advisor at Atkins who will set the scene for how transport professionals should support the current transition to the so-called ’future mobility ecosystem’. This will be followed by four speakers and presentations as follows:
Greg Marsden, Professor of Transport Governance, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds – Governance Strategies, Smart Mobility and the Public Good
Dominic Taylor, Low Emission Mobility Leader, Arup – The Latest Developments on EV Infrastructure Planning and Delivery in the UK
Carter Stern, Senior Government Affairs Manager, Cruise – Autonomous Vehicles and the Future of Cities
Matteo Antoniola, Business Strategy Manager, 5T and MaaS Alliance - From Shared Mobility to MaaS: Connecting the Dots
For further details, please go to the AET Transport and Mobility Forum page and follow the link to register for the webinar.

AET Transport and Mobility Forum
The AET Transport and Mobility Forum promotes active engagement of AET members and member-groups with each other and with other like-minded transport organisations through supporting and hosting a range of activities including online webinars, seminars and discussions on a wide range of transport and transport related topics of interest. We welcome new members and new ideas about transport and how we talk about transport.