AET Transport and Mobility Forum: Webinar 07 October 2021

Public transport and pandemics: Preparing for the worst-case scenario?
Webinar: Thursday 7 October 2021 11.00 - 12.00 CEST (10.00 - 11.00 BST/WEST)
Although vaccines seem to be effective against COVID-19 variants, some researchers forecast that pandemics remain a persistent problem in the upcoming years. This means that parallel to preparing for the return to ‘normal’ without distancing measures, public transport authorities and operators should consider alternative scenarios. This webinar aims to discuss the need for research into alternative systems and interior designs, as well as new approaches to vehicle engineering and service planning in case of future threats of COVID-19 or other pandemics that may make public transport less attractive periodically or in a long term.
The webinar is organised in the form of a discussion after an introductory presentation by a leading European public transport expert:
Ambrosius Baanders, independent consultant, NL (former Chair of the Board at AET): Public transport and pandemics: preparing for the worst-case scenario?
This presentation is followed by a reaction from aviation expert Peter A Forbes (Alan Stratford and Associates Ltd., UK).
The webinar is organised as the first event of the AET Transport and Mobility Forum (previously the AET Covid-19 conversations) and will be chaired by András Munkácsy, KTI, HU, from the AET Webinars Working Group. For further details, please go to the Covid-19 Conversations page on the AET website and follow the link to register for the webinar.

AET Transport and Mobility Forum
The AET Transport and Mobility Forum promotes active engagement of AET members and member-groups with each other and with other like-minded transport organisations through supporting and hosting a range of activities including online webinars, seminars and discussions on a wide range of transport and transport related topics of interest. We welcome new members and new ideas about transport and how we talk about transport.