ETC 2020 Online: Transport Economics, Finance and Appraisal programme

ETC 2020 Online: Transport Economics, Finance and Appraisal programme
A common cry, as we look to rebuild societies and the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic, is the desire to develop a more equitable and sustainable future. Hence understanding the use of Social Value to appraise and prioritise transport investment is becoming increasingly important and TEFA, being at the forefront of developments, is holding a whole session on this vital topic.
As governments look to use infrastructure projects as a way of kick-starting the economy, we have a timely session on Optimism Bias – that phenomena which claims we can build at half the cost and carry twice as many people/goods as turns out to the case. As Europe’s rail network continues to be opened up to competition, we have a session on both internal and external competition in the rail sector. We also cover the latest thinking on values of time, cost-benefit analysis and the evaluation of projects. Presented online, the conference will maintain its distinctive multi-disciplinary, multi-streamed format, with ETC 2020 providing a forum for debate and reflection as we navigate through these unprecedented times. View our unique programme of first-class speakers representing research, policy, and practice at
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Bookings are available for 1, 2 and 3-day places at ETC Online. To book your place, please visit our website: or download and complete the booking form.
Discounted places are available for AET members, young professionals, full-time students and organisations from new member states of the EU (joined in 2004, 2007 and 2013). Further discounts for multiple bookings from the same organisation are available on request.