ETC 2020: Transport Modelling

ETC 2020: Transport Modelling sessions
Transport modelling is at the heart of an evidence-based approach to solving some of the major challenges facing transport and the environment. Discover and discuss the latest innovation and modelling developments at ETC 2020 including:
Application and development of agent-based models
New approaches in transport modelling
Simplifying models and serving clients better
Approaches to mode shift and changing travel behaviour
Modelling fleets and electric vehicle rollout
Optimisation and new approaches to dynamic traffic assignment models
Innovations in modelling rail, active travel, connected autonomous vehicles and shared mobility
More information on the Transport Modelling programme can be found on the AET website. The conference countdown has begun with only two weeks to go, so book your place now!
Many thanks to PTV Group for sponsoring the Transport Modelling sessions this year at #etc2020online
Bookings are available for 1, 2 and 3-day places at ETC Online. To book your place, please visit our website: www.aetransport.orgor download and complete the booking form.
Discounted places are available for AET members, young professionals, full-time students and organisations from new member states of the EU (joined in 2004, 2007 and 2013). Further discounts for multiple bookings from the same organisation are available on request.
Association for European Transport
The Association for European Transport is responsible for the organisation of the Conference, which has been held annually since 1973. It is the Association's aim to promote and maintain a pan-European understanding of transport issues along with its members who form a network of transport professionals across Europe.