ETC 2024 Starts Next Week with Top Speakers

Booking is closing soon for ETC 2024!
With the European Transport Conference opening next Wednesday, don’t miss out on your opportunity to book your place! This year’s ETC promises on-topic panel discussions, interactive plenary sessions, international networking and keynote speeches from prominent experts from the world of transport - and with over 500 delegates already booked to attend, the conference will offer the chance to meet old friends and make new connections.
The opening plenary on Wednesday will be moderated by Professor Thierry Vanelslander from the University of Antwerp and will feature three prominent and topical speakers from Antwerp and the European Commission, providing both policy and a research viewpoints:
Annick de Ridder is Antwerp Vice Mayor for the port, urban development and spatial planning and she also acts as Chair of the Board of the Antwerp Port Authority. | ![]() |
Koen Kennis, Vice Mayor of the City of Antwerp, responsible for finance, mobility, SME’s, tourism and intra municipal decentralisation. As vice mayor, responsible for mobility, Koen Kennis focuses on a smoother traffic flow, safer roads and increased liveability. To ensure the accessibility of city and port, Koen is currently realising a set of multimodal mobility projects and is creating a modal shift towards more durable ways of transport, public transportation and shared mobility systems. | ![]() |
And our third plenary speaker is Dr Monica Grosso, Scientific Project Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. | ![]() |
Among a packed programme, special highlights include a PhD collaboration session aimed at fostering interaction and promoting collaboration between PhD students researching transport in Europe, an international networking event organised by AET’s Country Ambassadors - and on Thursday morning, we offer two panel sessions: cross-border passenger rail services, and quick scan tools in transport modelling.
Booking details and full programme information are available on the AET website.
Networking with international colleagues
The conference provides an excellent opportunity for all participants to engage with transport experts from around the world and become part of a specialist AET community. This year’s networking opportunities and technical visits include:
Tuesday 17 September Pre-Conference Drinks
Wednesday 18 September Civic Reception
Thursday 19 September Conference Dinner
Mobility Walking Tour organised by the Antwerp Convention Bureau
Urban Logistics Bicycle Tour
ETC Running Club
Antwerp Central Railway Station Visit
Oosterweel Connection Antwerp Visit
This year we will also have a designated ‘quiet space’, for the mental wellbeing and comfort of attendees seeking some time-out during the conference.
Keep up-to-date with more news on the Conference, social activities and all the 2024 themes by following us on X: @EuTransportConf using #etcAntwerp2024
Promote your organisation at ETC 2024!
We welcome sponsorships and support for ETC’s 2024 Conference and have numerous opportunities to promote your organisation including badges, plenary or themed sessions, Conference Dinner, and Welcome Reception packages.
Check out the sponsorship opportunities on our website or email:
Confirmed Sponsors & Exhibitors for ETC 2024:

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