European Transport Conference 2022: Data and Digital use of Data

ETC 2022: 7-9 September
Data and Digital use of data, and a combination of various data streams, has become a focal point of managing transportation assets. Transport data as a source of input plays a large part in our Digital revolution. In addition, the recent worldwide pandemic reiterated the importance of data, including its processing in a flexible manner, and how transport can react positively and possibly help to predict various strategies, scenarios and outcomes. This year, we are delighted to have a wide spectrum of papers covering topics such as data-driven toolkits, travel patterns, freight, electric mobility and open data. Managing large datasets, processing them and trying to understand how and when to use and apply them is a challenge, and our speakers will provide valuable insights for industry and academic practitioners into methods applied, and difficulties envisaged, setting out lessons learned and challenges that certainly lie ahead for us all to consider.
For booking details and full programme information covering these valuable Data sessions, please go to
Discounts & Booking Info
Book your place today
Bookings are available for 1, 2 and 3-day places at ETC 2022. To book your place, please visit our website:
Discounted places are available for attendees from new EU Member States (joined since 2004) and for young professionals under the age of 26 or with less than 5 years’ professional experience. Full time students also receive a generous discount.
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