European Transport Conference 2022: Special Session - The 15 Minute City

ETC 2022: 7-9 September
Journal of Urban Mobility:
The 15 Minute City
The Journal of Urban Mobility is a fully Open Access journal, initiated and supported by the EIT Urban Mobility, offering prompt publication and wide dissemination of new urban mobility research to a global audience. The journal publishes peer-reviewed contributions in all areas of urban mobility that will accelerate solutions that improve our collective use of liveable urban spaces, while ensuring accessible, convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable multimodal mobility.

JUM will be hosting a special session on the theme of The 15 Minute City – Putting Accessibility by Proximity into Practice at the forthcoming European Transport Conference in Milan.
Join us at #etc2022 for this special session led by the Founding Co Editor in Chief of JUM - Dr Benjamin Buttner of Technische Universitat Munchen. For booking details and full programme information covering these thought-provoking sessions, please go to
Discounts & Booking Info
Book your place today
Bookings are available for 1, 2 and 3-day places at ETC 2022. To book your place, please visit our website:
Discounted places are available for attendees from new EU Member States (joined since 2004) and for young professionals under the age of 26 or with less than 5 years’ professional experience. Full time students also receive a generous discount.
Promote your organisation at ETC 2022!
We welcome sponsorships for ETC’s Jubilee Conference and have numerous opportunities to promote your organisation including conference bags, badges, plenary or themed sessions, Conference Dinner, and Welcome Reception.
Check out our website for more details or email:
Confirmed Sponsors & Exhibitors for ETC 2022:
