European Transport Conference 2022: System Dynamics Stream

ETC 2022: 7-9 September
System Dynamics programme
Transport systems, whether they be infrastructural, economic, technical, political, or sociological, are complex and constantly changing. As such, System Dynamics (SD) modelling, as a method for capturing behaviours and understanding of changes in complex systems over time, including feedbacks and lagged response, is being increasingly adopted in transport research and planning. SD combines both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, offering many advantages compared to traditional transport modelling. Grounded in systems theory, Causal Loop Diagrams are mental models that demonstrate links and logical behaviours between variables within a system, that can be self-reinforcing or balancing. Stock Flow Models are the quantitative dynamic simulation tools, allowing many scenarios to be easily and quickly compared. SD is particularly well suited to policy analysis, and as a support tool for decision making, as models can be co-created with stakeholders. Join us at #etc2022 for special sessions where this type of modelling has been applied within transport, to provide insight on the opportunities it may offer to all types of transport projects and research - whether you have experience in SD or require an introduction to it. Supported by the System Dynamics Society Special Interest Group in Transportation.
For booking details and full programme information covering these thought-provoking sessions, please go to
Discounts & Booking Info
Book your place today
Bookings are available for 1, 2 and 3-day places at ETC 2022. To book your place, please visit our website: Discounted places are available for attendees from new EU Member States (joined since 2004) and for young professionals under the age of 26 or with less than 5 years’ professional experience. Full time students also receive a generous discount.
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