European Transport Conference 2023: 1, 2 and 3-day places available now

Book now for ETC 2023! The AET European Transport Conference (ETC) returns to Milan this year, taking place on 06 – 08 September at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy Bookings are now being taken for 1, 2, and 3-day places at this year’s European Transport Conference. Although 3-day early booking discounts have now closed, don’t forget that special discounts are available relating to Students, Young Professionals and delegates based in certain countries (defined according to 2021 GDP per Capita data as published by the World Bank). For more information and to book your place, please visit
World-Renowned Speakers
Join us this year at ETC for plenary sessions and papers that address themes of relevance to the transport policy agenda internationally – from a research, policy and practice perspective.
Opening Plenary: Wednesday 06 September New Mobility Patterns after Covid
Rosário Macário Partner at TIS PT, Professor at University of Antwerp Faculty of Business & Economics, Co-Founder at Rethink Move, Coordinator of EIT Urban Mobility at Lisbon University
Arrigo Giana ATM (invited)
Mona Björklund EU Commission
Plenary 2 Panel Discussion: Thursday 07 September Will National Plans Achieve Transport Emissions Targets across Europe?
Moderated by Conall Mac Aongusa (AET Board)
Filip Boelaert Head of Flanders Department of Mobility and Public Works BE
Amanda Rowlatt Chief Analyst, Analysis and Science Directorate, Department for Transport UK
John Martin Principal Climate Change Lead in Dept of Transport Dublin IE
Francesco Petracchini Director CNR - Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research IT
Thierry Vanelslander Professor, University of Antwerp BE
Our full prelim programme is available for download (while subject to change).
Keep up to date with more news on the Conference and the 2023 themes by following us on Twitter: @EuTransportConf using #etcMilan2023
Confirmed Sponsors & Exhibitors for ETC 2023:

Network with international colleagues
The conference provides a brilliant opportunity for all participants to engage with transport experts from around the world and become part of a specialist community.
Tuesday 05 September Pre-Conference Drinks
Wednesday 06 September Welcome Reception Drinks
Thursday 07 September Conference Dinner
Bicycle Tours organised by Bici e Vancanze
Driving Simulator (DRSMI) daily experiences offered at the Politecnico
E-scooter Tours in conjunction with Tier App
ETCercise! Morning jogs around beautiful Milano
Keep up to date with more news on the Conference, social activities and all the 2023 themes by following us on Twitter: @EuTransportConf using #etcMilan2023