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European Transport Conference 2023: Call for Papers Reminder

ETC 2023 Call for Contributions

Deadline for Abstracts: 10 February 2023

Don't miss your opportunity to present at the European Transport Conference 2023. The Association for European Transport (AET) has announced the start of the preparations for ETC 2023. This will be the 51st ETC and the conference will be held at the Bovisa Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, from 6th to 8th September 2023.

Conference Themes for 2023

We now invite Abstract Submissions for the 2023 European Transport Conference. The major theme of the conference will be:

Human Wellbeing & Inclusivity in Transport - in relation to global crises and climate change

The seminars of each Programme Committee will reference the theme. Emphasis will also be placed on:

  • Human wellbeing – delivering transport schemes for the health of future generations

  • Transport equity – enabling inclusiveness in travel in diverse societies

  • Sustainable travel – shaping tourism and daily travel in the face of climate change and energy transition

  • Supply chain challenges – impacts of labour and resource constraints in freight and passenger transport

  • Regulatory issues – impacts of national and international legislation on infrastructure and services

  • Funding and financial sustainability – challenges from Covid recovery and energy prices

  • Cities and transport – integrated planning, liveable cities, active transport

Programme Committees' Call for Abstracts

In addition to the themes above, papers that fit within Programme Committees’ areas of interest are also very welcome. Their Calls for Abstracts are available to download from the AET website.

In addition, AET aims to program (national) Travel Surveys as a special topic. Travel surveys play a key role in obtaining insight in (changing) travel behaviour, while also facing challenges itself regarding data collection. Abstracts related to the special topic can be submitted to the Data committee during the abstract submission process.

We would also like to hear from anyone who is interested in utilising ETC 2023 as a platform to hold their final project dissemination event in a parallel co-located stream.

Keep up to date with more news on the Conference and the 2023 themes by following us on Twitter: @EuTransportConf using #etcMilan2023

Your opportunity to present at the most established transport conference in Europe!

You are invited to submit an abstract based on one of the above themes or on one of those suggested by the Programme Committees. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 February 2023.

Submissions may be made via the Association's website. You will need to register once as an author and then you can submit as many abstracts as you wish. Authors can request a peer review of their papers and a selection of reviewed papers is published online or in special issues of journals. More details are available as a download within the Call for Papers brochure and on the AET website.

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