European Transport Conference 2023: Global trends impacting transport

Global trends impacting transport (GTiT)
This 51st European Transport Conference will allow the Global Trends Impacting Transport programme committee to perceive and discuss state-of-the-art policy, engineering and research project results, while initiating dialogue on actual global challenges and trends, as well as proliferating worldwide progress on transport system resilience in extraordinary circumstances, as well as sharing experiences and lessons learnt from recent disruptions.
Day 1 topics deal with new mobility business models, practical and legal aspects within sustainable mobility options (including Cycling) and Mobility-as-a-Service, continuing to children, girl and women safety in transport, risk and security issues and finishing with participatory methods covering perception of mobility costs, impact and future options.
Day 2 topics focus on gender inclusivity, equity and issues in transport, seniors and vulnerable transport users and participants. Afterwards continuing with two sessions on low carbon transport options and transport related pollution and decarbonisation challenges.
Day 3 topics start with a joint session with Rail Policy and Planning programme committee devoted to policy transferability and future of transport, followed by COVID-19 impacts and finishing with policy assessment of transport equity, social value, sustainability and system performance.
The GTiT programme committee invites you to join us at the second ETC to be held in Milan and benefit from networking, socialising and exchanging ideas with peers in presentation sessions and always stimulating discussions. We invite you to bring your fresh views and new ideas for old and ongoing issues and challenges which are essential for contemporary transport professionals and decision-makers!
For booking details and full programme information, please go to:
Network with international colleagues
The conference provides a brilliant opportunity for all participants to engage with transport experts from around the world and become part of a specialist community.
Tuesday 05 September Pre-Conference Drinks
Wednesday 06 September Welcome Reception Drinks
Thursday 07 September Conference Dinner
Bicycle Tours organised by Bici e Vancanze
Driving Simulator (DRSMI) daily experiences offered at the Politecnico
E-scooter Tours in conjunction with Tier App
ETCercise! Morning jogs around beautiful Milano
Keep up to date with more news on the Conference, social activities and all the 2023 themes by following us on Twitter: @EuTransportConf using #etcMilan2023
Promote your organisation at ETC 2023!
We welcome sponsorships for ETC’s 2023 Conference and have numerous opportunities to promote your organisation including conference bags, badges, plenary or themed sessions, Conference Dinner, and Welcome Reception.
Check out our website or email Sabrina Winter for more details.
