Star Conference 2020 - Online

STAR 2020 online
15, 16 and 17 December
STAR 2020 online provides a great opportunity for researchers and professionals across Scotland to access first-class presentations and discussion without incurring travel and accommodation costs and for an attractive attendance fee.
The timetable has been organised to reflect the challenges of working from home while also attending a conference. The sessions will be held in the morning only and over three days to allow time for other work-related duties and meetings. Sessions will be limited to 1.5 hours in length.
The opening session will take the form of a discussion session about “Covid-19 - Transport Trends and Attitudes – what does it all mean?” Delegates will be encouraged to submit questions in advance for the Q&A session. Further sessions will cover the following themes:
Sustainable, Shared and Public Transport
Getting the best from Active Travel
Getting there by Public Transport
Influencing Sustainable Behaviour
Evaluating the Success of Transport Interventions
The final session will cover the National Transport Strategy for Scotland and the future of appraisal.
For more details and a booking form: